This month is busy with Parent/Teacher Conferences, Picture Days, Veteran's Day, and Thanksgiving. We stop to honor the veterans of our country. We thank them for their service in the United States Armed Forces.
November is a time to be grateful. We have a place in the daycare dedicated for families or individuals to write the things for which they are thankful. I personally have many things to be grateful for, but I want to express how thankful I am to be working with a wonderful group of children. I am grateful for the toddler who blows me kisses or gives me a high five each day. I thankful to the two children who stop by my desk each morning to give me a morning hug and talk about their latest adventures. I am also grateful to the child who brings me a flower or leaf she just picked up off the lawn. I am thankful that I get to end each day with a small group of two-year-old children who love to sing with me before going home. My life is full, and I am blessed to work with the children and families of MMDC.
We will celebrate Thanksgiving as a daycare a few days before our Thanksgiving break. We will share a meal together and enjoy being with each other at this holiday celebration.
Happy Thanksgiving!
